Saturday, April 19, 2008

Remember all that stuff I wrote about being ready for however this IVF cycle turns out.  Well, I guess I lied because right now I'm in the middle of a panic attack thinking about tomorrow and what it might bring: no growth, a lead follie, bad news, cancellation, THE END.  I can't catch my breath.  I hate this infertile life.  Why can't I be normal?


Lost in Space said...

I wish I could give you a giant IRL hug, Karen. I can't imagine the turmoil you must be feeling from this. Sending you all my positive thoughts for lots of even growing follicles that are right on target.

Polly Gamwich said...

I hear you ... this infertility rollercoaster is something I could seriously do without.

Looking forward to your scan tomorrow ... and some great results!

Deep breath, huh?


Anonymous said...

I can feel your panic state in this blog.

I hope today's appointment makes you feel better.