Monday, October 26, 2009

I may not have given birth to him. . .

We had our first meeting with Early Intervention.  Our guy has a service plan in place from his previous placement so it was mostly a matter of paperwork.  The coordinator asked lots of questions about his prenatal and birth history.  I had received all the information at our disclosure meeting so was able to answer her questions pretty well.  

At one point, I noticed that she has recorded his  birth date incorrectly. She had written a day earlier than the actual date.  When I pointed it out to her, she actually argued with me a bit. "Oh, no. I saw it written on his records as __/__/__." She even started shifting through papers to show it to me.  Ummm, hello.  I may not have given birth to him, but I do know when he was born.  I am acutely aware that I missed his first birthday and I am very sure of when that date was because I was thinking about him all day (we hadn't started the transition yet).  

It turns out she found her paper and it listed the date I had told her.  How about that. 


Barb said...

You show 'em Mommy!

caitsmom said...

"I am acutely aware that I missed his first birthday." Wow, that's powerful. I had tears. ((((((hugs))))))

Lost in Space said...

Your mama bear instinct is in full it!!

Wendy said...

Good for you, Karen!

Me said...

That she thinks YOU would get that wrong is borderline offensive.

Steph said...

Good for showing her!

(my mom could not remember my brother's birthday for a couple years, something we tease her mercilessly for.)

Guera! said...

Just proves that mother's instinct is not a biological phenomena.