Sunday, March 7, 2010

Well, at least I don't have to worry about that

I was talking with a good friend at work who has been having some weird period issues. She had recently been to the GYN and was filling me in on what the doctor said. Then she said, "Oh, yeah. Unrelated to my current issues, but it turns out my bladder is falling out."  

I had no idea this kind of thing happened.  She didn't either until her doctor told her it was happening to her.  Apparently, childbirth with vaginal delivery is the biggest risk factor. My friend, who birthed two children 18 months apart, has since heard from other women, including a friend whose mother actually reached down and felt her bladder coming out of her vajajay while she was in the middle of taking a shower!  

The only thing I could think was, "S&%#, that's one huge advantage to never getting pregnant. Score one point for infertility!"*

*At least until menopause.  The reduced estrogen of menopause can cause pelvic floor muscles to weaken and a cystocele to occur. Another reason to keep up those Kegels.  


Alex said...

OMG I read about that sort of thing just weeks before giving birth. Prenant women should NOT be allowed to read or watch t.v.

Luckily I was a c-section for all 3of my children births were c-section because YIKES!!

Fran said...

It's basically impossible that someone feels their bladder prolapsing, it must have been the uterus!

MissNoAngel (find me on Twitter) said...

Gah. ::shudder:: score one for c-sections too I guess. =/

Anonymous said...

That is one good thing! I am lucky to have one baby, trying for a second, but it's looking more like secondary infertility.

Anyway, about 8 weeks after I had my baby, I felt like something dropped. Turns out my uterus had shrunk down enough and had dropped into my vaginal canal! It didn't totally prolapse, but enough to be annoying. I was mad that no one mentioned this could happen before.

Lost in Space said...

Yup, that is one I will chalk up as a positive too. My urogynocologist (for my IC - ie screwed up bladder) mainly treats these kind of issues and I have heard the term suburethral sling there more than I care to think about. (-;

Barb said...

yup. so afraid of this bc i pushed very hard for very long

u also can't hold it as well

Me said...

Happened to my mom. And, lucky me, I started peeing when I cough or sneeze in my twenties before I ever had children so I suspect a similar fate is in my future.

CJ said...

I was told this is "beginning" to happen to me. Lovely.